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How should endurance athletes structure their training volume, intensity and frequency to bring about the best short and long-term physiological changes needed for optimum performance? Andrew Sheaff looks at some brand new research
If you compete in events lasting more than 10 seconds, maximizing endurance performance is likely of interest to you. But even if you’re a sprinter, thrower or jumper, where there are minimal demands on endurance, health can and should be a consideration as well. That’s why cardiovascular fitness is so important; it plays a huge role in ensuring optimal health as well as performance.
While the importance of endurance training is evident for all athletes regardless of sport, - what’s less obvious is exactly what training should be done, and what sort of improvements can be expected. As more and more research has been published, it’s become clear that the adaptation to exercise training is not universal. What’s also clear is that while the impact of different approaches is becoming better understood, it’s less clear what training formula athletes should use for the best training outcomes.
There are many different factors that influence performance adaptations. For example, does the intensity of training make a difference, and if so, when and to what degree? What about the duration of the training intervention? What about the frequency of training sessions? These are decisions that athletes have to make, and without clear answers, it’s just a guessing game.
Moreover, some of those factors aren’t necessarily related to the training stimulus. Instead, they relate to the individual performing the training. Does age matter? Does sex matter? Does training status and initial level of fitness matter? What about health status and the presence of chronic disease? Athletes bring all sorts of contextual factors to their training and these factors can have a very real impact.
These are critical questions because they can greatly influence what training decisions are made. The more informed those decisions are, the better they’ll be. And while there are countless studies on endurance training, most of us don’t have the time to sift through all the available evidence to come up with solid conclusions. Fortunately, a group of researchers decided to do just that.
Considering the huge volume of research that exists on endurance training, it can be difficult to get a well-defined and comprehensive understanding of what the evidence suggests. With so much evidence, some of it is bound to be ambiguous or even contradictory. However, that doesn’t mean that there is no clear signal amidst the noise. To help clarify the impact of various contextual factors on improvements in mitochondrial content and capillarization, three Scandinavian researchers performed a systematic review and meta-regression on the available endurance training research(1).
In particular, they focused on the way the training affected mitochondrial adaptations. Mitochondria can basically be considered as the ‘energy factories’ of cells, with increased densities of mitochondria being associated with positive changes in endurance performance and health. In addition, they also looked at key enzymes involved in aerobic energy metabolism (ie the energy pathways that fuel endurance) to see what impact various modes of training had on these enzymes. They also investigated the protein content of one enzyme in particular (cytochrome c oxidase), which can be used as a marker of increased gene expression for cytochrome c oxidase production – ie whether the training was effectively switching on ‘endurance genes’.
After sifting carefully through all the previously published articles related to this topic, they found 353 studies containing 5,650 subjects relevant to mitochondrial adaptations, and 131 studies with 1897 subjects relevant to capillarization (improved blood flow through muscles). All these studies were investigating the impact of endurance training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), continuous training, or sprint interval training.
In terms of mitochondrial adaptations, the researchers looked at changes in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), mitochondrial volume density, and the content and activity of various mitochondrial (aerobic) enzymes. For those interested, the following enzymes were analyzed- citrate synthase (CS), cytochrome c oxidase (COX), hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (HADH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and protein content of COX subunit 1, 2, and 4. For capillarization adaptations, the researchers were interested in three main outcomes. They looked at the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers, the capillary density (how many capillaries within a given volume), and the number of capillaries per muscle fiber.
While the researchers primarily focused on mitochondrial and capillarization adaptations, there were multiple factors the researchers also analyzed to determine how each factor impacted the magnitude of adaptation to exercise training. To determine the influence of different types of endurance training, the researchers looked at differences between low-intensity endurance training, high-intensity interval or endurance training, and sprint-interval training. They also examined the effect of the duration of a training intervention, comparing shorter and longer training programs. Finally, they looked at the impact of the frequency of training on adaptation.
From a population standpoint, multiple groups were compared. The researchers looked at differences between subjects who were less than 35 years old and subjects who were older than 55 years old. They also compared how the degree of adaptation changes as the subjects initial level of fitness differed, comparing unfit subjects to progressively more fit subjects. As some research has demonstrated sex-related differences in outcomes, these comparisons were made as well. Lastly, healthy subjects were compared to those who had chronic health conditions or diseases.
As you might expect, this analysis provided a lot of great information as to the nature of the adaptations that can be expected to occur when different contextual factors are present. However, the factor that influenced the adaptation to training more than anything else was the initial fitness level. The less fit you are, the more likely it is that you will have a significant response to exercise training in terms of improving VO2max, mitochondrial content, and capillarization. This factor tends to override the influence of all other factors, so you should adjust your expectations depending on your current level of fitness.
For mitochondrial adaptations (see figure 1), the frequency of training matters at lot. Six sessions per week was found to be superior to four sessions per week, which in turn was superior to two sessions per week. Therefore, consistently providing a training stimulus appears to drive mitochondrial adaptations. Interestingly, there appeared to be similar changes in mitochondrial content regardless of the intensity of training. However, higher-intensity strategies produce the same improvements in much less time per unit of exercise volume. Of course, compared to low-intensity exercise, higher-intensity workouts cannot be performed for as long, so this benefit may not be particularly practical.
In terms of adaptations in VO2max, many of the changes mirrored the improvements in mitochondrial adaptations. Training more frequently was shown to lead to greater improvements with six sessions per week being superior to four, which was superior to two. One key difference was that compared to sprint interval training, both low- and high-intensity training strategies tended to be superior for improvements in VO2max. Despite this however, sprint-interval training led to superior changes per minute spent training - but again, only very limited amounts of this type training can be performed. VO2max adaptations were also the only case where sex-related differences were found, with women benefiting from a slightly higher degree of improvement per unit of training load invested.
When it came to capillarization, there were some distinct differences in the adaptations depending on training intensity. While the increases in capillary numbers per muscle fiber were broadly similar between different training levels, there were much greater increases in capillary density with lower intensity training. That’s because the higher intensity training increased muscle fiber size, therefore reducing capillary density (more muscle volume requires higher capillary numbers to maintain the same capillary density). Further, gains in capillarization were only seen during the initial stages of training (up to around four weeks), and these improvements were only present in those that were moderately training or untrained.
Discussions about training intensity and the relative merits of different types of interval training can often be contentious, but this study sheds some important insight on the topic. Especially in the initial stages of a training program, higher-intensity interval training can lead to faster improvements, whereas lower intensity options can provide longer lasting improvements. While a combination of the two strategies is likely the best approach, you can adjust your emphasis based upon your goals. If you’re looking for a quick boost (eg to prepare for a forthcoming race), higher-intensity strategies make sense. If you’re playing the long game and looking to improve year on year, lower intensity approaches are likely more productive.
Let’s try to summarize the detailed findings so that you use this information in your training:
Finally, from a performance standpoint, one finding was clear: the more often you train, the more likely it is that you will see significant improvements in performance. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do more - just that it may be valuable to break up your current training volume into smaller, more frequent workouts. This could be a small change that leads to big differences in performance!
1. Sports Med. 2024 Oct 10. doi: 10.1007/s40279-024-02120-2. Online ahead of print
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