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Nutrition for endurance athletes

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Creatine for performance: latest thinking & best practice

Creatine for performance: latest thinking & best practice

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Protein nutrition: is whey alone enough for recovery?

Protein nutrition: is whey alone enough for recovery?

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Caffeine facts vs. caffeine fiction: revealing the truths

Caffeine facts vs. caffeine fiction: revealing the truths

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Nutrition for athletes: protein facts vs. protein myths

Nutrition for athletes: protein facts vs. protein myths

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Fueling on the move: pros and cons of going natural

Fueling on the move: pros and cons of going natural

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Protein intake and muscle growth: it ain’t what we thought!

Protein intake and muscle growth: it ain’t what we thought!

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Recovery nutrition: starting on the move!

Recovery nutrition: starting on the move!

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Collagen: the older athlete’s route to recovery

Collagen: the older athlete’s route to recovery

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Feb '25
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Taurine nutrition: taking a bullish approach to anti-aging!

Taurine nutrition: taking a bullish approach to anti-aging!

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Antioxidants for recovery: time to think pink?

Antioxidants for recovery: time to think pink?

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Protein for endurance: sleep on it!

Protein for endurance: sleep on it!

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Post-exercise turmeric: a fast-track route for match recovery?

Post-exercise turmeric: a fast-track route for match recovery?

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The power athlete’s kit bag: packing fuel to win

The power athlete’s kit bag: packing fuel to win

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Endurance performance: enjoying the fruits of breakfast!

Endurance performance: enjoying the fruits of breakfast!

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Yerba Mate: a real friend for endurance athletes?

Yerba Mate: a real friend for endurance athletes?

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Fueling on the move: the taste of success!

Fueling on the move: the taste of success!

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Vegetarian athletes: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative!

Vegetarian athletes: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative!

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Carbohydrate drinks and gels: too much of a good thing?

Carbohydrate drinks and gels: too much of a good thing?

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Hot weather hydration: does your body know best?

Hot weather hydration: does your body know best?

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Amino acid supplementation: all in the mind?

Amino acid supplementation: all in the mind?

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Weight management and fat loss: a dairy tale come true?

Weight management and fat loss: a dairy tale come true?

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Phosphatidylserine – performance help or hype?

Phosphatidylserine – performance help or hype?

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Hierarchy nutrition: don’t put the cart before the horse!

Hierarchy nutrition: don’t put the cart before the horse!

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Low-carbohydrate training: low or high performance?

Low-carbohydrate training: low or high performance?

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779