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Overuse injuries

The prime cause of overuse injuries is an excessive increase in training load, imperfect/imbalanced biomechanics or a combination of the two. In this section, you’ll information on how to diagnose and prevent overuse injuries by attending to the underlying causes.

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Gluteal tendinopathy: a pain in the butt

Gluteal tendinopathy: a pain in the butt

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Injury rehab: taking a smooth approach

Injury rehab: taking a smooth approach

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Golf: the gentle game that can lead to pain

Golf: the gentle game that can lead to pain

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Chest muscle injury: minor or major problem?

Chest muscle injury: minor or major problem?

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Knee injury: when pain serves to deceive

Knee injury: when pain serves to deceive

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Scapular fracture: an unfortunate shoulder injury

Scapular fracture: an unfortunate shoulder injury

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Novice runners: can strength training reduce injury risk?

Novice runners: can strength training reduce injury risk?

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Recreational running: the pronation-fatigue connection

Recreational running: the pronation-fatigue connection

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Mar '25
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Cycling and bone health: jump to it with collagen!

Cycling and bone health: jump to it with collagen!

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Shin hernias in athletes: the connective tissue connection

Shin hernias in athletes: the connective tissue connection

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Slipping rib syndrome: a pain in the upper back

Slipping rib syndrome: a pain in the upper back

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Shin splints in runners: is there a better treatment approach?

Shin splints in runners: is there a better treatment approach?

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Ankle injury rehab: should you jump for joy?

Ankle injury rehab: should you jump for joy?

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Femoral neck stress fracture: why groin pain should never be ignored

Femoral neck stress fracture: why groin pain should never be ignored

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Injury prevention: reading the runes for hamstring injuries

Injury prevention: reading the runes for hamstring injuries

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Treadmill training: yes or no for outdoors performance?

Treadmill training: yes or no for outdoors performance?

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Injury rehab: stretching the truth

Injury rehab: stretching the truth

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Older athletes: make time to recover!

Older athletes: make time to recover!

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A pain in the thigh : what all athletes should know about quad strains

A pain in the thigh : what all athletes should know about quad strains

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Low back pain: muscle timing matters for prevention

Low back pain: muscle timing matters for prevention

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Muscle strain injury: it’s all about connections

Muscle strain injury: it’s all about connections

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Running flexibility: using foam for fascial release

Running flexibility: using foam for fascial release

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Injury and the disabled athlete: inspiration for all athletes

Injury and the disabled athlete: inspiration for all athletes

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Ankle sprains: a balanced approach to recovery

Ankle sprains: a balanced approach to recovery

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Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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