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Recovery strategies

All other things being equal, an athlete who can recover faster and more fully will be able to train or race again sooner and perform better than a poorly recovered athlete. Attention to recovery also reduces the chance of injury and burnout.


In this section, you’ll find invaluable advice on scientifically-validated techniques and nutritional strategies to maximise recovery and improve performance.

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High-intensity intervals: is the bubble about to burst?

High-intensity intervals: is the bubble about to burst?

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Interval training HIIT parade: 10-10s vs. 15-15s

Interval training HIIT parade: 10-10s vs. 15-15s

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CrossFit athletes: an easier route to success

CrossFit athletes: an easier route to success

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Interval training for team sport: straight up or round the houses?

Interval training for team sport: straight up or round the houses?

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Living life in the fast lane; the truth about training for speed

Living life in the fast lane; the truth about training for speed

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Athlete health: does training frequency matter?

Athlete health: does training frequency matter?

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Post-exercise recovery: first, do no pharma

Post-exercise recovery: first, do no pharma

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Marathon race performance: lark or owl for the win?

Marathon race performance: lark or owl for the win?

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Mar '25
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Sprint intervals: the verdict of the court

Sprint intervals: the verdict of the court

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Endurance training: two halves versus one whole!

Endurance training: two halves versus one whole!

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Sprint training for team sports: head to the beach!

Sprint training for team sports: head to the beach!

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Undernutrition: the strong road to recovery

Undernutrition: the strong road to recovery

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Pushing the boundaries: the hidden sleep penalty

Pushing the boundaries: the hidden sleep penalty

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High-intensity training: a 14-minute recipe for success?

High-intensity training: a 14-minute recipe for success?

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Good sleep: train early or burn the midnight oil?

Good sleep: train early or burn the midnight oil?

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Interval training for team sport: why rest matters

Interval training for team sport: why rest matters

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Post-exercise recovery: it’s all in the mind!

Post-exercise recovery: it’s all in the mind!

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Interval training: 30-20-10 for speed and endurance!

Interval training: 30-20-10 for speed and endurance!

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In for the long haul: the sleeping-competing connection

In for the long haul: the sleeping-competing connection

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Athlete recovery: cold water vs. vibrating foam

Athlete recovery: cold water vs. vibrating foam

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Injury rehab: talking at cross purposes!

Injury rehab: talking at cross purposes!

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Athlete recovery: can foam rolling match massage?

Athlete recovery: can foam rolling match massage?

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Bicarbonate: can it make your interval sessions better?

Bicarbonate: can it make your interval sessions better?

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Sleep and the athlete: can daytime naps power performance?

Sleep and the athlete: can daytime naps power performance?

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They do this by reading Sports Performance Bulletin, an easy-to-digest but serious-minded journal dedicated to high performance sports. SPB offers a wealth of information and insight into the latest research, in an easily-accessible and understood format, along with a wealth of practical recommendations.

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779