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Base endurance training

How much endurance training should you be doing, how hard and for how long? This section addresses the fundamentals of endurance training, and gives advice based on the latest science and best practice.

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Marathon performance: why training intensity balance matters

Marathon performance: why training intensity balance matters

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Half marathon training: a proven approach for female masters

Half marathon training: a proven approach for female masters

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Ultra endurance performance: lessons from pro cyclists

Ultra endurance performance: lessons from pro cyclists

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Tuning your training: should you factor in body type?

Tuning your training: should you factor in body type?

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The perfect training plan: human vs. artificial intelligence

The perfect training plan: human vs. artificial intelligence

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Triathlon performance: the king of disciplines

Triathlon performance: the king of disciplines

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Amateur runners: hop or hope for better performance?

Amateur runners: hop or hope for better performance?

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Marathon preparation: the real cost of a training disruption

Marathon preparation: the real cost of a training disruption

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Mar '25
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Ironman triathlon novices: the art of prediction

Ironman triathlon novices: the art of prediction

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High-intensity training: are sprint intervals overhyped?

High-intensity training: are sprint intervals overhyped?

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Older athlete health: does exercise trump diet?

Older athlete health: does exercise trump diet?

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Treadmill training: yes or no for outdoors performance?

Treadmill training: yes or no for outdoors performance?

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Easy rider: how to cycle for better run performance

Easy rider: how to cycle for better run performance

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Zone training: why low-tech can work too!

Zone training: why low-tech can work too!

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Training for health: be an owl, not a lark

Training for health: be an owl, not a lark

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Timing your training: early birds and easy riders

Timing your training: early birds and easy riders

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Endurance performance: choosing high-intensity training wisely

Endurance performance: choosing high-intensity training wisely

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Running excellence: discover your higher ground

Running excellence: discover your higher ground

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Road cycling: lessons from the elites

Road cycling: lessons from the elites

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Rowing performance: the engine of power!

Rowing performance: the engine of power!

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Distance running: leg strength and critical mass

Distance running: leg strength and critical mass

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Grappling with gravity: tackling the big climbs

Grappling with gravity: tackling the big climbs

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Which whey to go? Choosing the right protein

Which whey to go? Choosing the right protein

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Efficiency matters

Efficiency matters

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779