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Sub-optimum immunity can often result in lost training time, particularly during the winter. In this section, you’ll find information on how to structure your training and optimise your nutrition to maximise your immunity and keep well all year round.

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Vitamin D and muscle function: the new frontier

Vitamin D and muscle function: the new frontier

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Covid-19 recovery in athletes: all systems go

Covid-19 recovery in athletes: all systems go

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Face mask use in sport: the pros and cons for athletes

Face mask use in sport: the pros and cons for athletes

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Citrus power for health and performance?

Citrus power for health and performance?

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Exercise recovery: a nutrient that really counts

Exercise recovery: a nutrient that really counts

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Athlete immunity: go with your gut feeling

Athlete immunity: go with your gut feeling

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Bug off! keeping illness at bay with probiotics

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Sports nutrition: using it to boost immunity

Sports nutrition: using it to boost immunity

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Mar '25
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Coronavirus and athletes: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Coronavirus and athletes: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

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Athletes and vitamin supplementation: what’s the truth?

Athletes and vitamin supplementation: what’s the truth?

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The true performance price of COVID-19

The true performance price of COVID-19

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Can probiotics protect post-marathon immunity?

Can probiotics protect post-marathon immunity?

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Glutamine for athletes: does it really do what it says on the tin?

Glutamine for athletes: does it really do what it says on the tin?

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Defend yourself with science: immune-boosting nutrients to stay well this winter

Defend yourself with science: immune-boosting nutrients to stay well this winter

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Infection and skin health in sport: don’t play dirty!

Infection and skin health in sport: don’t play dirty!

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COVID-19 and athletes: returning to sport after illness

COVID-19 and athletes: returning to sport after illness

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Antiviral nutrition: arm yourself against respiratory infection!

Antiviral nutrition: arm yourself against respiratory infection!

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Sports nutrition: strengthening your immune system

Sports nutrition: strengthening your immune system

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Vitamin D: Let the sunshine in!

Vitamin D: Let the sunshine in!

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Coronavirus and the athlete: protection that counts!

Coronavirus and the athlete: protection that counts!

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The price of hard racing: are you properly recovered?

The price of hard racing: are you properly recovered?

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Travel and health: make sure your dream overseas event doesn't turn into a nightmare!

Travel and health: make sure your dream overseas event doesn't turn into a nightmare!

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Vitamin D: it's time to D-fend yourself!

Vitamin D: it's time to D-fend yourself!

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Triathlon/open-water swimming: do things really go better with Coke?

Triathlon/open-water swimming: do things really go better with Coke?

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779