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Weight management

Endurance athletes seeking success need to maintain optimum muscle mass and maximum power-to-weight ratio. This section contains the latest research on how best to achieve this goal, along with practical recommendations.

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Fat loss in athletes: the best strength training protocol

Fat loss in athletes: the best strength training protocol

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Weight management: can a short, sharp shock work for you?

Weight management: can a short, sharp shock work for you?

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Quality vs. quantity: don’t be a victim of mass deception

Quality vs. quantity: don’t be a victim of mass deception

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Fat loss and weight management: spot the difference

Fat loss and weight management: spot the difference

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Weight management: is protein better than nothing?

Weight management: is protein better than nothing?

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Collagen: the older athlete’s route to recovery

Collagen: the older athlete’s route to recovery

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Taurine nutrition: taking a bullish approach to anti-aging!

Taurine nutrition: taking a bullish approach to anti-aging!

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Antioxidants for recovery: time to think pink?

Antioxidants for recovery: time to think pink?

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Mar '25
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Eating problems in athletes: light at the end of the tunnel

Eating problems in athletes: light at the end of the tunnel

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Weight management: does meal timing really matter?

Weight management: does meal timing really matter?

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Post-exercise turmeric: a fast-track route for match recovery?

Post-exercise turmeric: a fast-track route for match recovery?

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Yerba Mate: a real friend for endurance athletes?

Yerba Mate: a real friend for endurance athletes?

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Weight management: are you heading for trouble?

Weight management: are you heading for trouble?

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Keto diets for performance: the verdict is in

Keto diets for performance: the verdict is in

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Mass with class: why sleep matters!

Mass with class: why sleep matters!

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Training for gains: RISE and shine for optimum benefits?

Training for gains: RISE and shine for optimum benefits?

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Weight management and fat loss: a dairy tale come true?

Weight management and fat loss: a dairy tale come true?

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Which whey to go? Choosing the right protein

Which whey to go? Choosing the right protein

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Team-sport fitness: the keto route to lean and mean?

Team-sport fitness: the keto route to lean and mean?

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Weight management: why timing is everything

Weight management: why timing is everything

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Fat loss in athletes: why resistance isn’t futile

Fat loss in athletes: why resistance isn’t futile

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Betaine: power to the people

Betaine: power to the people

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Low-carbohydrate training: low or high performance?

Low-carbohydrate training: low or high performance?

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Risks of sauna-induced weight loss

Risks of sauna-induced weight loss

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779