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Fast-track recovery: the essence of recovery nutrition

Fast-track recovery: the essence of recovery nutrition

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Marathon training: learning lessons from the elites

Marathon training: learning lessons from the elites

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Different but equals

Different but equals

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Transgender women in female sport: why biology matters

Transgender women in female sport: why biology matters

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Banishing cardiovascular drift: a master stroke for endurance athletes?

Banishing cardiovascular drift: a master stroke for endurance athletes?

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So what did you learn about performance in 2020?

So what did you learn about performance in 2020?

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Defend yourself with science: immune-boosting nutrients to stay well this winter

Defend yourself with science: immune-boosting nutrients to stay well this winter

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Polarised training: is it better than the Goldilocks approach?

Polarised training: is it better than the Goldilocks approach?

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Sports Performance Bulletin - Feb '25
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Half-marathon performance:    to fuel or not to fuel?

Half-marathon performance: to fuel or not to fuel?

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Interval training: little and often or longer infrequent sessions for maximum gains?

Interval training: little and often or longer infrequent sessions for maximum gains?

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Lockdown training: how to avoid an ear bashing

Lockdown training: how to avoid an ear bashing

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Daylight robbery: Fortify yourself!

Daylight robbery: Fortify yourself!

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Distance runners: activate your potential!

Distance runners: activate your potential!

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Hail King Arthur, the godfather of high-intensity strength training!

Hail King Arthur, the godfather of high-intensity strength training!

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High-intensity intervals: good for heart health, not just fitness

High-intensity intervals: good for heart health, not just fitness

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Reset your body clock for better performance

Reset your body clock for better performance

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Sylvester Stein: the legend behind Sports Performance Bulletin

Sylvester Stein: the legend behind Sports Performance Bulletin

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When the going gets tough: 4 strategies to boost mental toughness

When the going gets tough: 4 strategies to boost mental toughness

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Running shoes: do high heels increase injury risk?

Running shoes: do high heels increase injury risk?

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Cycling technology: just how accurate are power meters?

Cycling technology: just how accurate are power meters?

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Cryotherapy - can you freeze your way to recovery?

Cryotherapy - can you freeze your way to recovery?

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Concurrent strength and endurance training: the best of both worlds?

Concurrent strength and endurance training: the best of both worlds?

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Optimum stride length for runners? Let your brain decide!

Optimum stride length for runners? Let your brain decide!

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Triathlon injury: build resilience, train better

Triathlon injury: build resilience, train better

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They do this by reading Sports Performance Bulletin, an easy-to-digest but serious-minded journal dedicated to high performance sports. SPB offers a wealth of information and insight into the latest research, in an easily-accessible and understood format, along with a wealth of practical recommendations.

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Sports Performance Bulletin

Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance athletes improve their performance. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779